

Anyone who loves Jesus is welcome to join us for Communion on the first Sunday of every month at all our services.

Weekly Prayer List & Guided Prayers

If you would like to pray for those who are on our Prayer Chain or would like to be added to the prayer chain, please contact the church office on 011 907 2807.

Garden of Remembrance

The Garden of Remembrance provides a serene, final resting place for our loved ones. A private garden where loved one’s ashes can be placed along with a remembrance plaque, or simply a way to remember those dear to us by means of a plaque on the wall of Remembrance. This service is available to everyone.
Please contact the church office on 011 907 2807 or email us at


Thank you for being interested in giving to the work of God here at AMC! Envelopes are available from the Church office for weekly or monthly dedicated giving or towards our Building Fund. If you prefer to give via EFT, our details are as follows: Methodist Church Alberton – Acc No. 020645600; Standard Bank Alberton – Code 051001. Please supply a reference when giving in this way.

Prayer Meetings

Prayer meetings are held in the Chapel on Monday evenings at 18:00 – 18:30. All are welcome to join us!