Be Involved & Get Connected
Connect Group & Bible Studies
We have various Connect Groups and Bible Studies happening at the Church, online and at people’s homes on different days during the week. Please contact the Church Office on 011-907-2807 for more information.

Ministry for men
Weekly fellowship meetings are held every Saturday at 07h30 in The Well Coffee shop. Men of all ages are welcome to attend.
Women’s Auxiliary

Young at Hearts
Young at Hearts is a group for retired people. The morning involves a short devotion, a time of entertainment, fellowship and a lovely tea organised by a group of dedicated volunteers. All retired folk are welcome to attend. If you are not retired but would like to assist with these mornings, please contact the office on 011 907 2807 or via email at
Building Committee

Stewards – Door / Communion / Vestry
Communion Stewards – prepare table for Communion and serve Communion.